View of Napier

Sorrell, Percy Caz
Current rights
Public Domain
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Object detail

About this object
View of Napier taken from the grounds of the McLean family residence on Napier Terrace. The photograph has been taken looking across the city towards Cape Kidnappers.

Marine Parade is visible in the distance. The esplanade is lined with Norfolk Island Pines. The height of the trees indicates that the photograph was taken in the 1910s or 1920s. The spire of St Patrick's Church is visible on the extreme left of the photograph.

Photographer, Percy C Sorrell.
Production technique
Media/Materials description
Black and white photograph. Loose in photograph album 67.
Height x Width: 154 x 204mm
P C Sorrell Photo, Inscription, Handwritten
Subject date
Collection of Hawke's Bay Museums Trust, Ruawharo Tā-ū-rangi, 12909
Credit Line
gifted by anonymous
Other number(s)
Album 67, m2004/19, 12909, 78838


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